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Opinion Matters

April 19 2013

John GibsonCommunications driven research specialist Opinion Matters has appointed former Research Now exec John Gibson as Client Account Manager at its offices in Clerkenwell, London.

The company conducts research and collects feedback through niche panels, and interprets the resulting data for commercial, operational, and communications purposes. Its team comprises people with strong editorial backgrounds, as well as research specialists, whose work feeds into PR/communications strategies, as well as informing business decisions.

Gibson joins from Research Now where he served as Client Development Manager. He previously spent ten years in the business intelligence sector, working for Frost & Sullivan and The Yankee Group.

Karen Brooks, MD of Opinion Matters, comments: ‘John’s blend of business understanding and research knowledge is a perfect mix for our business, as increasingly the type of projects we work on are benefiting more than just the division making the initial enquiry.’

Web site: www.opinionmatters.co.uk .