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Mustard Research

December 20 2013

Elizabeth Brierley and Bethan TurnerIn the UK, Manchester-based agency Mustard Research has appointed Elizabeth Brierley as Research Executive, and promoted Bethan Turner to the role of Senior Research Executive.

Mustard Research, which was previously known as Ci Research, offers a wide-range of qual and quant research tools to clients across the financial services, retail, FMCG, leisure, education and skills, and healthcare sectors.

Brierley, who recently graduated from Edge Hill University, worked at Boxclever Consulting during her studies. In her new role, she will be working with clients across the financial services, retail and leisure sectors.

Turner joined the agency as a Research Executive in November 2012, having previously worked at DJS Research as a Junior Research Executive.

AD Gareth Hodgson comments: �From day one, Bethan has impressed us with her enthusiasm and can-do attitude. Her commitment to service excellence and her passion for making a difference has been evidenced in the client feedback within our post-project client satisfaction surveys. Meanwhile Liz has already seamlessly fitted into the Mustard way of working and has really hit the ground running.�

Web site: www.mustard-research.com .