Our mobile panel...
Who and how?
Of the first 16 responses, the browser situation is 4 x 4... 4 Chrome 4 Safari (mostly v5) 4 Firefox 4 IE (2 x v8, 2 x v9)
4 people completed the survey on mobiles! We might have expected more, but then we might not.
Level of involvement
7 have regular in-depth exposure to mobile surveys - they are 'always or nearly always' working on at least one.
5 have quite a lot - they conduct or are involved personally in reasonably regular mobile surveys.
1 is in a company doing a lot of mobile research but has indirect contact - mostly through colleagues.
3 are in there for other reasons. In one case the company is conducting extensive tests of the tech before embarking; one works for a mobile phone company which doesnt particularly rate mobile phones as a means of collecting data (now youre intrigued); and the third produces software for mobile surveys.
They're *all* either veterans of many years research or bright young things of the industry, running companies, giving papers and/or blogging and tweeting extensively. You can read our summary of their views in MRT very soon - a link will of course appear in DRNO.
Research’s Own Opinion LeadersAnnouncing the first of many MrWeb panels of mrxperts...
31st May, 2012
The temptation to do surveys among our DRNO readership has, I confess, been great at times over the last twelve years. If there’s any group that ought to believe in research, I guess it’s researchers, and if there’s any that knows the benefits of taking part in a survey, it’s those who regularly run through them to try and persuade others - therefore they should be a willing and helpful sample.
There are all sorts of reasons why we haven’t - partly the industry’s rather quirky tendency to frown on the ‘atypical’ responses you get from professional researchers; partly the danger of being tempted into surveying them too often, once we start - you are busy people and we don’t want to intrude; and partly, if I’m honest again, the lack of anything ideal on which to survey them. It wouldn’t make much sense to me to ask general questions about the state and direction of the industry to a small sample, and we haven’t wanted to get mired in the complexities of b2b sampling for a quant exercise without a pressing need or gap in the market - other people already run such surveys and do it well.
Now at last, there’s an obvious opportunity for a regular qual panel. Our MRT section has home pages for fifteen specialist areas within the profession - trends, technologies and techniques - and aims to combine news and features for each with directories of suppliers and jobs and create a community of interested parties. Where better to fire up a panel of senior commentators and feed their views to readers via a monthly or two-monthly survey?
We’re starting this month, with the section devoted to mobile survey technology, and having got agreement in principle from 25 senior figures approached and refusals from none (told you they’d be willing!) we’ll be publishing regular articles reporting on their views on key issues, cunningly laced with our own opinionated prognostications.
So, look out for a piece later this month on the limitations of mobile survey questionnaires, and their solutions, with both our analysis of prevailing opinion and specific words of wisdom from panellists; and also, if you’re a bit of an expert in one of our MRT sectors yourself, for a call and/or email from Teresa in the months to come, inviting you to join a panel. OK so the 100 percent record isn’t going to last, we know that - but it’s a promising start. Whyever didn’t we do it before?
Nick Thomas
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