DRNO - Daily Research News
Appointment no. 3678
Published October 5 2018





Danna Kress Consumer intelligence firm Maru/Matchbox has appointed qualitative strategist Danna Kress as Vice President of Qualitative Insights in its Center of Excellence, based in the San Francisco office.

Kress brings experience from leading global strategic initiatives across sectors including technology, CPG, gaming and aviation, and has a background in anthropology. She has spent the last four years as a Director/Senior Director at Greenberg Strategy, and was previously a Senior Brand Planner at the Richards Group and a Cultural Anthropologist at marketing innovations company Idea Planet.

MD of Qualitative Insights Tommy Stinson says Kress brings 'a depth of experience to enhance our point of view on the intersections of culture and consumer insights', adding: 'Her creativity and expertise will further strengthen our strategic qualitative offering'.

Web site: www.marumatchbox.com .


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