Audience Specialist Joins IAB Australia
In Australia, the IAB (Interactive Advertising Bureau) has appointed online research, measurement and audience analysis specialist Gai Le Roy to Chair its Measurement, Research, and Standards & Guidelines councils.
Le Roy has more than 10 years' experience in interactive advertising and digital media, and most recently worked as Insights Manager at online news, information, and communication services firm ninemsn.
In her new role as IAB Australia Programmes Manager, she is tasked with advancing the projects being undertaken by the three councils. This includes the work of the Measurement Council to provide the industry with best practice online audience measurement data, and projects commissioned by the Research Council to determine the effectiveness of online advertising.
According to the IAB, the Measurement Council is collaborating with Nielsen Online to release data from the newly created RDD/Online panel. The organisation says that the implementation of its hybrid Internet audience measurement system - combining web site tagging and panel-based data - is also well advanced.
'We are delighted to welcome Gai Le Roy to our team,' stated CEO Paul Fisher. 'She brings tremendous industry knowledge and project management expertise to her new role and we look forward to drawing on this experience to advance the important projects being undertaken by our councils.'
Launched in 2005, IAB Australia is one of more than 25 IAB offices globally. The organisation exists to develop and promote industry standards and guidelines and prove the effectiveness of interactive advertising.
Web site: www.iabaustralia.com.au .
