Change at the Top for dunnhumbyUSA
Retail research and brand specialist dunnhumbyUSA has announced senior changes as it continues its rapid growth. Stuart Aitken joins as COO and will assume management of dunnhumbyUSA from CEO Simon Hay; and Gary Cofer has joined as Global EVP / Manufacturer Practice Leader.
dunnhumbyUSA is a joint venture of The Kroger Company and London-based dunnhumby. Established in 2003, it has grown to $200m revenue in five years, and this month will move to a new 150,000 sq. ft. Cincinnati headquarters.
Aitken, who joined in late August, brings in-depth marketing experience with a focus on loyalty programs - he was CMO of the arts and crafts retail chain Michael's Stores Inc. and held various executive marketing positions at grocery giant Safeway, Inc.
Cofer joined the firm on September 1 and brings over two decades of sales and general management experience with Procter & Gamble in North America, India and Asia, most recently as Vice President of Customer Business Development for North America. His role at dunnhumbyUSA will include the development of a global strategy for dunnhumbyUSA's Manufacturer clients, which spans more than 15 countries and 600 clients.
Hay, who leaves for an enhanced role in London, comments: 'I am proud to have led the first six years at dunnhumbyUSA and our partnership with The Kroger Co... I am confident that Stuart will provide the inspiring leadership that dunnhumbyUSA and our amazingly talented people need to continue our growth and success. That said our CPG Clients are facing seismic shifts in the way they communicate with consumers and the data they collect. We need to continue to develop breakthrough strategies and Gary Cofer brings an impressive international leadership experience that will allow us to compete in the changing global marketplace.'
Dunnhumby is online at www.dunnhumby.com .
