KN Buys Display Ad Survey Firm Dimestore
US-based consumer specialist Knowledge Networks (KN) has acquired Dimestore Media (DSM), a firm which has developed technology which adds consumer surveys directly into online ads.
Founded in 2008 by Scott Cohen and David Moore - also cofounders of the online ad network 24/7 Media - DSM's platform includes a survey widget that has been designed to provide a 'true set' of engagement metrics, and can be used with any display ad media campaign. This delivers brief polls before or after people view an online display ad, with the questions appearing in the same space as the ad.
Initially clients will be able to create their own surveys using the platform, or integrate the technology into KN's KnowledgePanel, based on a representative sample of the US population, including cell phone-only Spanish and Latino households.
KN says that by integrating DMS's technology and expertise with its own, it will be able to deliver insights which will help buyers improve current and future campaigns and quantify the ROI of digital ad campaigns, as well as those across other media.
'Dimestore has made extraordinary strides in seamlessly integrating research with the online advertising experience, and using that technology to understand campaign effectiveness,' stated KN CEO Simon Kooyman. 'Incorporating Dimestore into KN gives us the ability to provide Return on Campaign Investment (ROCI) information to justify the value of advertising for improving awareness, purchase intent and other key brand metrics.'
Web site: www.knowledgenetworks.com .
