Photon Names New CEO in Australia
In Australia, marketing services group Photon - which owns research agencies The Leading Edge and Jigsaw Strategic Research - has appointed former News Corporation executive Jeremy Philips as its new CEO.
Philips will return to Australia to take up his new post on June 1, replacing Matt Bailey, who resigned in January.
For the past six years, Philips has worked directly with News Corp Chairman Rupert Murdoch in New York, where most recently he focused on digital initiatives. He was previously Vice Chairman of Ecorp, before which he worked at McKinsey & Co.
During his career, Philips has held a number of board positions, including with eBay Australia and New Zealand, and as Director of Ninemsn and Ticketek.
Photon Group Executive Chairman Tim Hughes commented: 'We are delighted to have been able to attract an executive of Jeremy's expertise, global perspective and track record to Photon. He has had a variety of senior management roles and his background is well suited to leading Photon in strategy and organic growth over the next few years.'
Web site: www.photongroup.com .
