DGOF to Develop Online Research Standards
The German Society for Online Research (DGOF) has partnered with IT security organisation TeleTrusT to develop scientifically accepted standards for conducting online research using secure anonymised processes.
The DGOF represents German language online research, with membership made up of scientists, users, companies and agencies.
Its new initiative is tasked with developing secure data protection methods which can be employed throughout the online survey process, while checking the credibility of online panellists using biometric applications.
'Access panels used for market, opinion and social research must be validated to prevent multiple registration by panel participants,' explains TeleTrusT CEO Dr Holger Mühlbauer. 'This is in addition to conventional methods such as signature, password, panel ID, and biometric applications, but must be designed with legal and data protection regulations in mind.'
Web sites: www.dgof.de and www.teletrust.de .