MMR Launches Shelf Decision Tool
Consumer Packaged Goods specialist MMR Research Worldwide has developed 'SURF', a new range optimisation tool to help clients optimise the size and structure of their product ranges.
SURF - which stands for Steal and Unduplicated Reach and Frequency - measures 'power to displace' and sources of 'steal', predicting the impact on sales of any change in product line-up. According to MMR, the tool helps with range extension, rationalisation and optimisation decisions, and is especially appropriate for brands with multiple SKUs within the same category.
Boasting a 'more involved, choice-based process for respondents', SURF claims to give 'more considered and therefore more representative in-store purchase decisions' and is, says MMR, a 'significant advance' on the current industry-standard method, TURF (Total Unduplicated Reach and Frequency).
MMR says its food, drink and personal care clients are experiencing increasing pressure from retailers to limit the number of SKUs stocked per range. 'There is a real need for better, more detailed information to help facilitate accurate range selection decisions', says Mat Lintern, MD of MMR Research Worldwide. 'As well as delivering its primary results in the form of highly actionable potential change in sales figures, SURF answers important questions such as; from which product is an SKU stealing? How likely is a new SKU to cannibalise the existing range? To what extent are incremental sales driven by new users or increased frequency amongst existing users?”
The product has been designed to be incorporated into existing concept and product testing protocols and can be used from the early flavour screening stage of product development, right through to range rationalisation for long-established brands.
Founded in 1989 by Professor David Thomson, the UK-based MMR Group comprises MMR Research Worldwide; Interactive researcher Qubiq; healthcare division HRW; and qual and quant fieldwork solution UKFS. Web site: www.mmr-research.com .
