Dunnhumby Founders Net £17m Dividend
UK-based Dunnhumby - the data firm behind the Tesco Clubcard loyalty scheme - has paid a £17.5m dividend to Edwina Dunn and Clive Humby, the husband and wife team who founded the business back in 1989.
The firm, which first started working with Tesco in 1995, analyses till data captured through the Clubcard to access the shopping behaviour, purchasing patterns, and trends of millions of households worldwide. Through the scheme, it is estimated that Dunnhumby has helped save Tesco around £350m a year since the two firms began collaborating.
Dunnhumby also analyses sales data for numerous retail chains and FMCG giants such as Coca-Cola and Unilever. The firm recently acquired KSS Retail, which provides price modelling and optimization solutions for retailers worldwide.
Dunnhumby - which is c.90% owned by Tesco - employs more than 1,200 people at its 16 offices across 30 countries in Asia, Europe and the Americas.
For the year to February 2010, its turnover increased 17% to £199m, while operating profits rose 32% to £53.4m.
Speaking to The Independent, Dunn said she and Humby had no plans to retire yet, and that she believes the firm will reach a $1bn turnover.
Web site: www.dunnhumby.com .
