IAB Sets Up Member Forum on Online Ad Data
In the US, the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) has launched a permanent forum for its members to address topics relating to the collection and use of interactive advertising data.
Founded in 1996, the New York-headquartered IAB works with more than 500 member companies, to evaluate and recommend standards and practices, while fielding research into the interactive advertising sector.
Yesterday, it was announced that the IAB had partnered with the ANA and 4As to launch the 'Making Measurement Make Sense' initiative, with a remit to develop digital metrics and cross-platform measurement solutions as currency for the media buying sector.
The new 'Data Council' forum is an expansion of the Data Usage and Control Taskforce, which was formed in 2009. Initial items on the agenda include addressing misinformation around data gathering and usage, clarifying the different kinds of data that can be collected through media buying, and creating a standard lexicon of definitions and terms for data segmentation and data sources.
'The Data Council will focus on increasing transparency in a complex and rapidly evolving segment of the industry,' states Patrick Dolan, EVP and COO of IAB.
Interested parties should contact committees@iab.net . The IAB is online at www.iab.net .