Thorington Leaves YouGov to Join GfK Financial
In London, GfK NOP has appointed former YouGov director Neil Thorington as Deputy MD, GfK Financial, with a particular focus on implementing new digital research tools and techniques.
Thorington joins from YouGov, where he worked for six years - most recently in a dual role as Director of Key Accounts and Director of Qualitative Research, responsible for the management of all major accounts and the design of research programmes.
Commenting on Thorington's appointment, GfK Financial MD Nick Watkins says: 'Neil's track record in developing key accounts and his depth of experience in working with digital research techniques makes him a perfect match for our own innovative client-focused approach.'
Thorington is based in GfK NOP's London headquarters at Blackfriars Bridge.
Web site: www.gfknop.com .