MRSI Names Hansa Research MD as New President
In India, the MRSI (Market Research Society of India) has elected Ashok Das, the MD of Hansa Research, as its President for the next two-year term.
Established in 1988, MRSI is a non-profit market research body which in conjunction with the MRUC (Media Research Users Council), is responsible for carrying out the Socio Economic Classification (SEC) study.
The body, which is managed by a committee of six members drawn from research agencies and research users, currently has around 40 corporate and 100 individual members.
Das has worked at Hansa for the past nine years. Prior to this, he was President of AC Nielsen India and of ORG-MARG Research, where he was in charge of all customised and media research. While in this latter role, he created the INTAM (Indian National Television Audience Measurement) and IRS (Indian Research Survey). Earlier in his career, he worked for IMRB International.
Talking to online publication afaqs! Das said: 'As the president of MRSI, I will not only represent the industry, but expand the membership of new players who have entered India. In addition, MRSI will focus on conducting training programmes for researchers and quality improvement.'
Web site: www.mrsi.in .
