DRNO - Daily Research News
News Article no. 16121
Published September 21 2012




Sainsbury's and Nectar Launch Ad Targeting JV

In the UK, Sainsbury's has linked up with Aimia, owner of the Nectar loyalty scheme, to launch Insight 2 Communication (I2C), a joint venture which will use Nectar data to enable suppliers to develop targeted communications for the supermarket's customers.

David BuckinghamUsing the service, suppliers will be able to target ads across Sainsbury's stores, web sites and mobile properties, and magazines. In addition, I2C will help suppliers plan and deliver fully integrated campaigns reaching the more than 22 million customers who shop in Sainsbury's stores and the 165,000 using Sainsburys.co.uk each week.

I2C will be led by CEO David Buckingham (pictured), who serves as Aimia's UK General Manager of Intelligent Shopper Solutions, and previously worked at IRI as Commercial Director. In his new role, he reports to a Board which has equal representation from both Sainsbury's and Aimia.

Buckingham comments on the launch: 'From the home to the checkout and beyond, I2C will offer FMCGs a tailored advertising solution in and around stores and online. We'll help them plan, manage and deliver fully integrated campaigns more effectively to the millions of customers who visit Sainsbury's stores or shop online each week.'

Luke Jensen, Sainsbury's Group Development Director, described the JV as a 'win-win' for both customers and suppliers, resulting in more relevant offers for customers based on their likes and dislikes, and an insight based marketing solution for brands.

The insight and targeted communications services that Aimia currently provides to Sainsbury's suppliers will now be offered by the joint venture, while Aimia will retain sole ownership of its existing proprietary analytical tools.

Web sites: www.j-sainsbury.co.uk and www.aimia.com .


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