comScore Tests New Multi-Platform Measure
Digital audience measurement giant comScore has announced the US Beta release of its new tool, MMX Multi-Platform, which promises unduplicated accounting of audience size and demographics across multiple devices.
The product builds on comScore's MMX, Mobile Metrix and Video Metrix services, all part of its Audience Analytics suite, and gives viewing figures for 'traditional' and mobile-optimised web pages, mobile/tablet apps and video content. While Beta testing is expected to last several months, giving a thorough validation, comScore has released a number of comparative, illustrative metrics to show how the combined and de-duped ratings will show a different and more accurate picture compared with current systems.
The firm's multi-platform measurement is built around its proprietary Unified Digital Measurement (UDM) methodology, which combines panel and census-based approaches. EVP Jeff Hackett comments: 'We are excited to introduce our Beta version of MMX Multi-Platform, the next generation in digital audience measurement offering a unified 360-degree view of digital consumer behavior across platforms and content types. With smartphones and tablets accounting for a rapidly expanding share of digital media consumption, comScore recognized the need to evolve our industry-leading audience measurement product to better represent this new paradigm.'
Web site: www.comscore.com .
