Borderless Access Launches South Korea Panel
Emerging markets specialist Borderless Access Panels has launched an online panel in South Korea, adding to the ten it already manages in Argentina, Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Russia, South Africa, Taiwan and Turkey.
Founded more than ten years ago, the firm currently provides access to more than 1.2 million panellists around the globe.
SVP Dushyant Gupta comments: 'With a 100% broadband penetration, 95% accessing via mobile phones, our South Korean panel provides us with an opportunity to target this large base of tech-savvy consumers. The need for a quality sample source in South Korea became apparent from the number of requests we've been getting from our clients globally. Our 15,000 member double opt-in panel - 60% of it mobile verified - addresses this demand.'
Web site: www.borderlessaccess.com .
