MRC Approval for WebSpectator Viewability Metrics
Mobile and web ad metric specialist WebSpectator has received Media Rating Council (MRC) accreditation for its 'Guaranteed Time Slot' (GTS) online display ad viewability metrics.
WebSpectator launched last November to provide a real-time ad metric, ad server and ad exchange that measures the actual time spent viewing ads, videos and/or any media component. By adding a single line of code to each ad, WebSpectator says its GTS metric measures time spent using Nielsen's 20 seconds of (certified) advertising exposure as a benchmark.
The MRC accreditation confirms that the GTS service complies with its minimum standards for media ratings research, as well as applicable industry measurement standards for Internet Services, for measuring the viewability of individual display ad impressions.
Andre Parreira (pictured), WebSpecator's CEO, comments: 'For publishers, WebSpectator is an agnostic network that increases inventory and revenue from a verified ad product, offering plug and play monetization of an untapped asset they already own: time. This gives advertisers an increased incentive to shift TV ad dollars to digital, now that they can track and understand the effectiveness of their branding efforts with important target audiences.'
Web site: www.webspectator.com .