More Profit from the Same Revenue for Chime's CIE
CIE, the Insight & Engagement Group within UK firm Chime, has reported first half operating profit up 22% to £1.4m, and a 5% increase in operating income to £4.2m. However, revenue was flat at £5.37m compared with £5.35m in the prior year period.
The division is made up of Opinion Leader, Facts International, digital MR firm Watermelon Research and qualitative recruitment agency Cherry Picked Research. In a statement, Chime said that CIE growth had been driven by Watermelon and Cherry Picked.
CIE Chief Exec Crispin Beale (pictured) comments: 'Watermelon Research has shown incredible growth in its first two years, and Facts International has again shown its determination to be at the forefront of technology and leaders in its field.'
Overall, marcoms group Chime reported operating profit of £17.2m, from £11.5m in the prior year period, representing like-for-like growth of 25%. Group revenue for the period rose to £198.5m from £140.2m in the previous first half.
Web site: www.cie.uk.com .
