Vigorous Growth for Verve
London-based online communities specialist Verve has announced rapid growth in the final quarter of 2014 - detailing no fewer than 22 appointments - and ambitious plans for 2015.
Verve said the fourth quarter also saw new client wins and development of its full-service research proposition. CEO Andrew Cooper says the firm's 'ever-expanding' full service Community Panel model 'resonated well with both existing and new clients'in the past year, and says 2015 will see the addition of further services 'to provide a more 'joined up' research view of the customer than ever before, further Verve's International Community Panel reach and grow the business in North America'.
The new arrivals are:- Phil McCann, Associate Director - previously at SPA Future Thinking & GfK
- Antony Collyer, Research Manager - joined from Ipsos ASI
- Glenn Radford, SRE - joined from EasyInsites
- Karishma Panchani, RE - previously a researcher at the Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea
- Bogdan Bucur, Community Manager - formerly at 360Insights & Ipsos Romania
- Chermayne Hiew, Project Manager (Malay specialist) - joined Verve's graduate program from Bristol University
- Bianca Stan, Data Processing - previously at GfK Romania
- Anna Lancaster, Associate Director - joined from GfK, qual specialist in tech & innovation
- Elizabeth Watson, SRE - previously a freelance researcher
- Michael LeBeau, RE - previously a Research Assistant at the NHS
- Janice Lee, RE (Mandarin Specialist) - previously freelancing for FreshMinds & KAE
- Diana Harvey, Project Manager - joined Verve's graduate program after a research project at Google
- Bethany Terry, Quality Assurance - graduate program from Manchester University
- Mirela Irimia, Scripting - previously at GfK Romania
- Charlotte Paris, Associate Director - joined from GfK, quant specialist in technology
- Christopher Leo, SRE - previously at Vision Critical and Ipsos ASI
- Elyssa McKeown, RE - graduate program from Manchester University
- Ananya Jaidev, Marketing & Research Executive - graduate program from Oxford University
- Wira Azizan, Project Manager (Malay Specialist) - formerly a freelance researcher
- Emily Edwards-Hughes, Quality Assurance - graduate program from Lancaster University
- Yago Mateos, Web Design - Web Design & 3D specialist from Green Schools Online, and
- Angel Garcia, Accountant - previously Internal Control Manager at Johnson & Johnson.
The firm is on the Web at www.addverve.com .
