uSamp Becomes Instantly
LA-based research technology company uSamp is changing its name to Instantly, Inc. While planning substantial investment in its sample business, the firm says the new name will allow it to grow this in tandem with its burgeoning insights platform.
The new name, or a version of it, has already been used for the company's online survey product, launched in 2012 and currently managed by former Kraft Foods insight leader Karyn Hall. The Instant.ly brand has since been expanded rapidly with the launches of product idea screening system Instant.ly Concept Test (ICT) and a monthly new product ranking called Instant.ly Shelf Score.
From now, the product offering will include five lines, all branded with the new company name (without the dot):- Instantly Concept Test, for rapid collection of consumer feedback on early-stage product concepts
- Instantly Survey Tool, a free survey authoring and distribution tool
- Instantly Sample Service, the original uSamp high quality sample promise
- Instantly Automated Sample, its automated platform for sample purchase and study management, and
- Instantly Mobile Solutions, a set of mobile research tools for measuring ad effectiveness, in-home usage testing and shopper insights studies.
The company says its rebrand 'unifies its audience offerings with its consumer insights tools under a single entity and positions it for continued growth and innovation.' CEO Alan Gould (pictured) comments: 'Changing our name to Instantly allows us to directly connect our sample business to our growing insights platform - and expand both business units together'. The aim is to build 'a comprehensive consumer insights platform for marketers to gather data from consumers at exactly the right place and exactly the right time.'
CMO Andy Jolls says the firm plans to give marketers access to the data of now, explaining: 'We have an incredible wealth of data at our fingertips coming directly from the consumers that multinational brands want to reach. In 2015, we plan to push the boundaries of consumer insights by finding new ways to collect answers before marketers even need to ask questions.'
With offices in the United States, Europe and Asia, the company is now online with a new web site at www.instant.ly .
