Anniversary Year Shapes Up Well for Simon-Kucher
German-based product, pricing and marketing consultancy Simon-Kucher & Partners has announced further rapid growth in the first half of 2015. At £72m, revenue was 17 percent up on the same period last year.
CEOs Dr. Klaus Hilleke and Dr. Georg Tacke said they were surprised particularly by growth of 45% in order entry, versus H1 2014, pointing to an excellent full-year in prospect, with forecast revenue around the £150 million mark. Particular growth areas are life sciences, banking, machinery and industrial services; and in geographical terms Asia and the US were strong contributors to the rise.
Hilleke comments: 'The demand for specialised consulting services is immense - the future for us looks even rosier'.
Opened in Bonn in 1985, the company now has 800 professionals in 29 offices worldwide, and is online at www.simon-kucher.com .
