Cint Launches Panellist Engagement App
Research technology and panel exchange operator Cint has launched OpinionAPP, an app for use by the nineteen million panellists who can be accessed through its OpinionHUB marketplace.
Cint claims the app requires no technical skills to use, and will provide panellists with a better user experience, by providing access to all their survey panels through one single point. The app is free to Cint panel partners, and allows 'survey cards' to be branded with their logos.
During 2016, Cint plans to improve and expand the app to tie it into the 'Real Time Insights' solution, due for launch soon, which will connect panellist data (behavioural and demographic), ad-tracking technology, geo-location and survey capabilities.
Oscar Carlsson (pictured), Vice President of Products, comments: 'OpinionAPP will enable panel partners to really take panelist engagement to the next level, making it easy and convenient while increasing the amount of surveys they participate in and resulting in a higher revenue share for panel owners'.
Web site: www.cint.com .
