MRSS India Doubles Revenue
Mumbai-based digital MR agency MRSS India has announced results for the year ended March 31st, with operating revenue up 104% to Rs 111.30m ($US 1.67m) and EBITDA margin also jumping, to 27.8%.
Just under a year ago, the company became the first MR agency to be listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange. The Exchange after a review halved the number of the company's shares 6 months ago and has done so again, to 2,500.
In the latest results, Profit After Tax jumped 256% to Rs.19m.
Chairman Raj Sharma (pictured) comments: 'We continue to receive encouraging response from our clients in terms of repeat & broader mandates. The Board is pleased with investments made in new research technologies and the corresponding sustainable increase in revenue and profits... We are highly confident of sustainably growing our revenues and profits going forward'.
MRSS India is the subsidiary of Asia-wide full service MR firm Majestic Market Research Support Services Limited.
Web site: www.mrssindia.com .
