DRNO - Daily Research News
News Article no. 22910
Published July 11 2016




MR Sector Archive Charity Appeals for Historical Data

New charity The Archive of Market and Social Research (AMSR) is appealing for those within the MR sector to get in touch regarding any historical industry material or records they hold, which might be suitable for inclusion in its collection.

Liz NelsonSupported by the Market Research Society (MRS), the Association of Qualitative Researchers (AQR), and the Social Research Association (SRA), the AMSR aims to catalogue and preserve resources tracing the development of the market and social research industry from the 1930s to the present day - with records such as significant studies, technical developments, survey results, biographical details, and published papers, journals, books and newsletters. It is already collecting records, both physical and digital, all of which need to be assessed and collated, and this data will be housed by The History of Advertising Trust, which will make the archive available to the public.

Liz Nelson (pictured), the charity's Chair and one of the co-founders of TNS (now part of WPP), commented: 'This is not just the history of a new industry which now plays a vital role in the British economy, it's part of our cultural history too. Market and social research has charted the evolution of our society and its attitudes, playing a vital role in areas from advertising to public policy. It's vital we try to capture everything we can'.

The AMSR is online at: www.amsr.org.uk and anyone wishing to contact the charity with information about material to be archived should e-mail Ian Brace at: enquiries@amsr.org.uk .


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