IAB Australia Welcomes Back Le Roy
In Sydney, Gai Le Roy is re-joining the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) as Research Director on 1st November, to lead activities tracking media consumption changes and commercial measurement options, while championing the industry's adoption of cross media measurement.
Le Roy (pictured) will re-join after a brief spell at eye tracking and biometric MR specialist Gateway Research, where she served as Partner and Chief Operating Officer. Prior to this, she was Director of Research at IAB Australia, having re-joined the organisation in 2012 from Fairfax Media, where she had worked as General Manager of Audience Insights and Research. Earlier, she was VP Research at Nielsen Online, and Insights Manager at ninemsn, prior to which she worked for the IAB with a focus on simplifying online audience and media measurement.
CEO Vijay Solanki comments: 'The digital industry needs someone it can trust in this very senior role - someone grounded in research but an expert with data. Gai is without a doubt that person. She has the credibility to work with partners, agencies, clients and other trade bodies and will be a driving force for measurement innovation. I'm ecstatic to have her on board'.
Web site: www.iabaustralia.com.au .
