More Survey News, More Ad Options on DRNO
From today, DRNO will be adding a new section focusing on more news of actual surveys - from project wins to interesting fieldwork and results. See below right for 'Survey Briefs'. We're also, for the first time, offering advertisers a chance to sit at the very top of the news email, for one day.
For years Daily Research News has featured an increasing proportion of items about analytics, ad targeting and segmentation, social media monitoring / management and so on - all worthy and growing areas, but sometimes we feel there's a lot of actual survey work going on and we don't give it enough coverage. Part of this is down to its proponents just quietly getting on with it, rather than announcing too many radically new things - but in part it's down to our editorial policy which has sought to avoid being flooded with contract wins and survey results (as it inevitably would be given our audience) - by outright avoiding them.
We feel it's time to restore the balance a little, but don't want to change the main editorial policy: therefore we have a new feature, Survey Briefs, which will give a very short summary of some of the more exciting things survey people have been doing, every day or most days. Editorial work on this will be limited: headlines will link to short, one paragraph descriptions which can link through to other sites for those wanting detail.
Submissions for Survey Briefs should be sent to brief@mrweb.com and can be short / informal in style. Please include a link and/or email address for any readers interested in following up. As with all our sections, nothing is guaranteed coverage but we will pick what we think is the most interesting, without fear or favour. Please note that like most news publications, we won't enter into correspondence about reasons for non-inclusion, and the Editor's decision is final.
For today's Briefs, see www.mrweb.com/drno/briefs .
Secondly, we've also been asked many times by potential advertisers about the possibility of using email blasts or a very short run in a prominent position in the DRNO news email. We've now launched a package to cater for this, combining a year's promoted entry in our online directory with one day at the very top of the DRNO mail - details at www.mrweb.com/drno/yearday.htm
While we're here, a big Thank You for your support over the last 16 years and for helping to make DRNO the global research industry's daily paper! If you have any questions about either of today's launches, please email nickt@mrweb.com .
