GfK Opens 'Supercrunch' Marketing Data Analytics Unit
GfK has launched a unit called Supercrunch, which will offer clients a new type of automated, user-defined analysis to support marketing decisions. The division will be led by Norbert Wirth, who previously served as the group's Global Head of Data and Science.
Supercrunch, which launches in Germany and will be rolled out in the UK and France later this year, has been set up to help marketing decision makers extract relevant information from data, to support initiatives such as product launches, pricing optimization and advertising. The unit will draw data from clients themselves, from GfK and from additional sources linked - where appropriate - with each other and then evaluated using analytical technologies. Its entire focus is on data analysis and its technical implementation in decision-making systems.
Supercrunch clients will be provided with solutions tailored to their individual needs, and will be able to access the first ready-to-use products - ranging from data science consulting to full-service software - by the middle of the year. Wirth (pictured) explains: 'We have assembled an interdisciplinary team of data scientists, software experts, consultants and industry specialists for Supercrunch. With this combination of skills, direct access to data and our technologies, we are optimally equipped to solve the most wide-ranging specific customer challenges in the age of big data'.
Web site: www.gfk.com and www.supercrunch.io .
