Taylor Reach Debuts Contact Center CX Benchmarking
In Toronto, contact center consultancy The Taylor Reach Group has launched a benchmarking service, through which organizations can gauge the quality and effectiveness of the customer experience (CX) being delivered by their call or contact centers.
The new service comprises three elements:- CX Health Check, which benchmarks the customer experience against 50 metrics that have a direct impact on the effectiveness of the service and experience delivered. The resulting report highlights areas of good performance and those needing improvement, and compares with best practice.
- CX Snapshotz assesses a center's ability to deliver the desired experience, assessing the customer interaction against customer effort, rational and emotional connectedness.
- Finally, CX Evaluation employs trained psychological profilers who assess customer experience, based on actual engagements, across twelve attributes that define superior experience delivery.
CEO Colin Taylor (pictured) says the service comes in response to client demand, and adds: 'No real alternative exists today on the market and we are excited regarding the prospects for this service'.
Web site: www.thetaylorreachgroup.com .
