Full Year Profits More than Doubled at MRSS India
Mumbai-based researcher MRSS India has reported a 146% increase in consolidated net profit to Rs46.3m ($720k) for the twelve months ended 31st March 2017.
MRSS India is the subsidiary of Asia-wide full service MR firm Majestic Market Research Support Services Limited. The company, which is listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange, reported a 105% rise in consolidated income from operations to Rs229.3m ($3.56m) for the period. EBITDA margin grew to 32.5%, compared with 26.7% the previous year.
Commenting on the results, Chairman Raj Sharma (pictured) said: 'Despite a relatively uncertain global macroeconomic environment, our growth was driven by our customers reposing their trust in MRSS. Going forward we are looking at consolidation, inculcating more fiduciary discipline, and stringent processes leading to operational excellence. As always, we would like to thank all our stakeholders for their continued support'.
Web site: www.mrssindia.com .
