Populus Launches Virtual Reality Panel
In the UK, data collection agency Populus Data Solutions has launched what it says is the research industry's first virtual reality online panel, PopulusLive VR.
Members are recruited via the firm's online panel PopulusLive and equipped with headsets, allowing the use of virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR) and 360 degree video content within online surveys.
Launched in 2011 as a division of polling firm Populus, the unit also boasts a proprietary CATI centre and offers data capture, delivery and dashboard / visualisation solutions. The new service was developed in partnership with AR and VR technology specialist Gorilla in the Room, and has already been used to conduct a quant retail environment concept test study for O2, among 400 online respondents.
MD Patrick Diamond says the launch constitutes 'a huge step forward in the industry', and comments: 'By incorporating virtual reality within an online survey, we can put respondents into an immersive environment that is likely to give a better prediction of their real world behaviour'.
Web sites: www.populusdatasolutions.com/virtualreality and www.gorillaitr.com .
