IFF Director Hires Boost Learning and Skills Team
London-based IFF Research has hired former Ipsos MORI exec Claire Johnson, and Aoife Ni Luanaigh, formerly of the UK Commission for Employment and Skills (UKCES), as Directors in its Learning and Skills team.
The firm, which began as a B2B specialist, has broadened out to cover employment and benefits; financial services; and health and wellbeing. Johnson joins from Ipsos MORI, where she was responsible for directing social research and evaluation across a range of employment, welfare and skills issues. Prior to this, she was a Senior Analyst at the UK National Audit Office, and a Principal Research Fellow at the Institute for Employment Studies.
Ni Luanaigh spent seven years at UKCES, working with senior business leaders on improving UK productivity, and leading research input on improving workplace practices. She has more than a decade of experience designing, conducting and directing research and evaluation programmes, and earlier in her career was a Senior Consultant at SQW Consulting.
MD Jan Shury comments: 'Ensuring that the UK has the right number of workers, skilled at the right level, will be critical to our ability to meet the unique challenges we are set to face in the future. IFF's Learning and Skills research will continue to inform policy and decision making as we move ever deeper into the digital age with all that will mean for the world of work. Our aim at IFF is to attract the very best to our growing team'.
Web site: www.iffresearch.com .
