DRNO - Daily Research News
News Article no. 25715
Published February 8 2018




GroundTruth Launches DIY Mobile Ad 'First'

In New York, location data specialist GroundTruth has launched what it claims to be the first end-to-end self-service platform for mobile location-based advertising.

Sunil KumarThe company uses current and past location data from mobiles to track in-store visits and target / time promotions. Its new 'Ads Manager' provides access to advanced location targeting tools and resources, billed as 'more precise and accurate' thanks to the company's Blueprints mapping technology, and its patented Location Verification algorithm, which scrubs incoming location data for accuracy. Marketers can use the platform to target locations or individual stores, and brands can calculate effective cost per visit to optimize their ads based on observed visits to their brick-and-mortar locations.

COO Sunil Kumar (pictured) comments: 'Location technology is incredibly valuable for marketers. It allows you to reach people based on their active behavior, such as a store visit, versus a 'like' or search online that may never result in an action. With Ads Manager, we're able to remove the barrier of entry to its benefits and answer a very big demand among smaller and larger companies with exploratory budgets to plan via a self-service platform'.

Web site: www.groundtruth.com .


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