Shopper Insights Launch for Former Kantar MD Lemmon
In the UK, former Kantar MD Barry Lemmon has opened a shopper insights company called First Purchase Research, which will offer a Byron Sharp-influenced concept called 'Purchase Outcomes' to change the way brands target shoppers.
Lemmon (pictured) has more than 30 years' experience of analysing purchasing data and observing shopper behavior. He was previously UK MD of mobile shopper marketing platform Shopitize. Prior to this, he spent over seven years as Kantar TNS Global Head of Retail & Shopper, leading a team which developed a range of standardized shopper solutions; and he was Kantar Worldpanel MD for UK & Ireland, with overall P&L responsibility for all continuous purchasing and usage panels service in the regions. Earlier, he served as MD of Fashion Trak, where he established a new market tracking and measurement service for the clothing and footwear industry.
For his new firm Lemmon has developed the Purchase Outcomes concept, which uses an approach inspired by 'How Brands Grow' author Byron Sharp to understand and influence shopper behavior. The concept considers every purchase in the context of a shopper's previous purchasing, and identifies first, regular and repertoire purchase separately for categories, sectors, brands and retailers. At the heart of this approach is the focus on shopper purchases rather than shoppers, which Lemmon says enables brands to target the purchases that drive growth, understand how these purchases are different, and subsequently influence these purchases more effectively.
He comments: 'Byron Sharp has introduced us to the laws of growth and it is now widely understood that growth comes from gaining more buyers. Sharp's work has challenged conventional marketing wisdom with respect to brand differentiation, targeting and loyalty; First Purchase Research is on a mission to use Sharp's laws to change the way brands think about targeting shoppers to drive growth'.
Web site: www.firstpurchaseresearch.com .
