Former Flamingo Men Open Inner Chapter in Shanghai
The former co-CEOs of Omnicom-owned consumer and cultural insight agency Flamingo Shanghai have launched a cultural insight and brand-strategy consultancy called Inner Chapter.
Omnicom closed seven of Flamingo's eight global offices a year ago, citing 'underperformance' and its need to now focus on growth opportunities in London. Among the closures was the firm's Shanghai office, jointly led by Julien Lapka and Alex Wilson.
The pair describe Inner Chapter as 'an ideas-forward studio' offering services such as culture and people insights, ideation, advisory and intelligence consultancy, and brand creation. The company's creative skills cover experiences and multimedia; design, photography and film; content, media and publishing.
When asked by Campaign Asia magazine how the state of the 'ideas, insight and strategy' industry in China has influenced the business model for Inner Chapter, Lapka said: 'Apart from the constraints on time, resources and budgets that sit across the industry, there are some macro themes at client-side: the in-housing of roles, the obsession with acquiring data, the focus on faster execution, and a desire to be more innovative in a culture where marketing alone doesn't cut it. All these themes influence how we work'.
Web site: https://innerchapter.co .
