DRNO - Daily Research News
News Article no. 26209
Published May 17 2018




New Name and Leaders for Yourzine

Data-driven customer communication agency Yourzine UK has been renamed Adeptiv UK, with a new management team led by former DigitasLBi Business Director Jake Richards as MD. Former Wunderman and OgilvyOne exec Alisa Fleischman has also joined as Client Services Director.

Jake RichardsThe London-based firm, which is part of Netherlands-based Adeptiv Group, offers CRM strategy, creative, and web site user experience to help brands win, keep and develop customers at scale, facilitating conversations throughout the customer journey. It also provides consultancy to help clients maximise their use of their marketing technology, including automation and data platforms.

Richards (pictured) comments: 'Often, brands have powerful technology and tools at their disposal, but overstretched marketing teams need support to understand all the functionality as well as how different platforms can be combined to connect with customers and prospects to deliver maximum value. We've got a team of technical data consultants, data scientists and platform experts who can consult on joining the dots to drive more out of brands' existing technology stack'.

Web site: www.adeptiv.co.uk .


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