DRNO - Daily Research News
News Article no. 26426
Published June 29 2018




Lotame Promotes Data Lead to Chief Strategy Officer

In the US, cross-screen data management platform (DMP) Lotame has promoted Jason Downie from SVP and General Manager, Data Solutions, to Chief Strategy Officer. He will continue to lead the Data team.

Jason DownieLotame's DMP services include the identification of most valuable customers and the targeting of prospects with similar profiles. Last year, the firm added new tools to its aiTV suite (Audience Intelligence for Television and Video), which enables marketers to plan and measure ad campaigns using digital behavioral and viewing data. These new tools help marketers understand who their audience is beyond estimated age and gender, and how certain TV ads affect purchasing.

Downie (pictured) joined in 2010 as Senior Data Solutions Specialist, before moving into his most recent position three years later. He previously spent more than a decade at business consulting firm Bain & Co, latterly as Senior Associate Consultant. In his new role, Downie will lead efforts to evaluate market opportunities, refine product positioning and drive growth, while overseeing product, marketing, sales development, DMP and LDX strategy.

CEO and founder Andy Monfried comments: 'Jason's experience makes him uniquely qualified for the position. He has built from scratch a large business unit inside of Lotame by being a visionary, communicating effectively, and rallying resources to deliver for our clients. I could not be more excited to have him guide our strategy, as we look at how to evolve with the changes our clients - and the industry - face'.

Web site: www.lotame.com .


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