NatCen Launches Methodology and Innovation Hub
Not for profit UK organisation NatCen has officially launched a Methodology and Innovation hub: an independent source through which to drive innovation in social research methods. It will be led by Director of Methods, Gerry Nicolaas.
NatCen (the National Centre for Social Research) studies all areas of social policy, including health, crime, education, employment, travel, social attitudes and families. Its new hub will be tasked with developing methodologies that are embedded within the practice of conducting social research. The hub pools the experience of the centre's researchers and operational staff with the aim of opening up new opportunities for methodological research and greater cooperation with the wider research community, while establishing strong relationships with government, academic and private institutions.
Nicolaas (pictured) joined in August from her previous role as Head of Data Collection Methodology at the Ipsos MORI Research Methods Centre, where her specific areas of expertise include survey response rates and non-response bias, respondent incentives, mixed-mode surveys, mode effects, web surveys and survey paradata. She has more than twenty years' experience in methods, including at NatCen and the University of Manchester. In addition, she is the General Secretary of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA).
Commenting on the launch, Nicolaas said: 'I am delighted to take forward NatCen's Methodology and Innovation hub, which will offer invaluable, applicable advice. This is a fantastic opportunity to project the organisation into the future of methodology and innovation'.
Web site: www.natcen.ac.uk .
