Former Ipsos MORI Shopper MD Joins Trinity McQueen
Fast-growing Leeds and London-based agency Trinity McQueen has appointed Sharon Hodgson, former MD of Shopper & Retail at Ipsos MORI and Director at Shoppercentric, as Client Services Director.
The agency has averaged more than ten percent revenue growth each year since commencing its MBO in 2014. Joint MDs Anna Cliffe and Robin Horsfield led the buyout from former parent firm, marcoms agency Brass, and completed it in October 2016.
Hodgson brings more than twenty years' experience in shopper insight, and expertise in multi-channel retail, grocery and FMCG in the UK and internationally. Horsfield, now joint MD, comments: 'We're thrilled to bits to welcome Sharon aboard. Our shopper and retail client base is expanding and Sharon has a proven track record in developing great client relationships which we're keen to build'.
Director Chris Handford adds, 'We've doubled the size of the agency over a short period, by producing stand-out work with a senior team. Sharon's addition will strengthen a model that's proved successful for Trinity McQueen'.
Web site: www.trinitymcqueen.com . Pictured: Sharon Hodgson, Robin Horsfield and Chris Handford .
