DRNO - Daily Research News
News Article no. 26910
Published October 1 2018




Malaysian Office for Rakuten

Online MR firm Rakuten Insight Global has opened an office in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, to be led by former Nielsen executive, Collin Leow.

Collin LeowRakuten Insight Malaysia is the eleventh location and eighth office in the Asia region for Rakuten Insight, which is owned by Tokyo Internet services firm Rakuten, Inc, The firm says its new office will allow it to work more closely with its clients in Malaysia and provide 'an off-shore market research hub to drive business development and provide multi-lingual and multi-functional operational support for clients based across Southeast Asia'.

Leow (pictured) joined the company in June 2016 as Sales Director, after two years at Nielsen and earlier fourteen at GfK.

Rakuten Insight was formed in July by the merger of the group's two online research companies, Rakuten Research, Inc. and AIP Corporation under a single new brand. AIP was established in 1997 and became part the Rakuten Group in 2014.

Rakuten Insight CEO Atsushi 'Tomas' Tamura says of the new office: 'Today is another step in our commitment to provide clients across Asia with impactful online market research. The addition of our Malaysia office will also allow us better access to a country that shows exceptional growth potential for our business'.

The firm, whose panel focuses on twelve countries and regions in Asia, but is part of a network covering 60 countries and regions, is online at https://insight.rakuten.com .


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