DRNO - Daily Research News
News Article no. 27064
Published October 30 2018




CBS Research Head Poltrack to Leave after 50 Years

Half a century after joining CBS, David Poltrack is to step down from his role as Chief Research Officer and President of CBS Vision next summer, when he will be 74.

David PoltrackDuring his career, Poltrack (pictured) has been an originator of research for the company and the industry as a whole, has led industry groups including the ARF and Media Rating Council, helped design research lab CBS Television City in Las Vegas, and authored a book on television marketing. In his current role he oversees all research operations at CBS, encompassing audience measurement, market research, program testing, advertising research, and monitoring of the national and international video marketplace. He also serves as Adjunct Professor, New York University, teaching in its business and communication schools.

Poltrack will retire from CBS at the end of June, with Radha Subramanyam, EVP, Chief Research and Analytics Officer, CBS Television Network, assuming overall control of research operations. CBS President and Acting CEO Joseph Ianniello comments: 'Dave is a legend in the field of research and our business. Back in 2014, Dave came forward and said he wanted to step aside in his 50th year at CBS. With today's news, I am pleased to say he has reached this remarkable milestone... and what an extraordinary 50 years it's been'.

Web site: www.cbs.com .


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