DRNO - Daily Research News
News Article no. 27077
Published November 1 2018




MRS Cuts Size of Main Board, Seeks New Chair

In the UK, the Market Research Society (MRS) is reducing the size of its Main Board as part of a governance review, and says it will not recruit or re-elect Board members in the forthcoming period.

Phyillis MacfarlaneThe MRS Main Board is responsible for shaping and guiding the strategies and policies which support the Society's mission; and for developing relevant thought leadership initiatives, engaging the support of members and others for them. Having grown to include up to fourteen members plus the Chair, the Board will be reduced to eleven plus the Chair for 2018-19.

Although there will be no MRS Main Board position subject to election during the next election period, Certified Members and Fellows are invited to apply for the role of MRS Chair-Designate (to become Chair after a period of one year), leading the Main Board. The role is open to those MRS members who are recognised at the Certified Members or Fellows grades and who have held these grades for at least two years.

Current Chair Phyllis Macfarlane (pictured) comments: 'We need people who really want to see the research, insight and data sector develop and succeed. If you feel that you or others you know who fulfil the above criteria would like to be a part of MRS with its evolving agenda and ambitions, please put forward or support nominations for Chair-Designate'.

The nomination form and criteria can be found at www.mrs.org.uk/article/anytype/call-for-2019-election-of-mrs-main-board-members ..

Web site: www.mrs.org.uk .


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