DRNO - Daily Research News
News Article no. 27226
Published November 30 2018




New Aus Consultancy Offers Data Audits, Measurement Strategy

In Australia, two former execs of ad agency Y&R have launched a new marketing consultancy called Mutiny, with a focus on data auditing, results / ROI measurement and benchmarking.

Bounty Hunters: new agency goes after the big management consultancies...Matt Farrugia is the former MD of Y&R Melbourne, while Henry Innis served as the ad group's Engagement Strategy Director - ANZ. Innis, who is Chief Strategy Officer and based in Sydney, said the new firm would audit clients in areas such as 'customer churn, media strategy, value of media spend and missed revenue', according to www.mumbrella.com.au . It will then advise on strategy and implementation, as well as how they can measure and benchmark success.t big consultancies like PwC, Deloitte and Accenture whom he describes as 'accountants with a structurally flawed business model', adding: 'They create a 50 paged powerpoint presentation for two million dollars and then no one can use it at the end'.

Farrugia, who will serve as CEO from a base in Melbourne, comments: 'There have been some major investments over the last decade and a big shift in terms of marketing spend as we know it towards marketing technology', but believes the tech is 'not being completely utilised' and its potential value 'not completely leveraged'.

The pair say they intend the firm to 'grow big and fast', and beyond the Australian market, and will look to acquire rather than be acquired.

Web site: www.mutiny.group .


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