Norstat Buys to Speed German Growth
Oslo-based data collection specialist Norstat AS has acquired consumer data company mafo.de GmbH, headquartered in Hamburg.
Norstat offers consumer surveys across nineteen European countries using 'all common methods' of data collection. The buy gives it skilled staff in Hamburg and Berlin, research workflow software solutions and a proprietary panel of more than 60,000 active members
Norstat Group CEO Knut Aasrud (pictured) comments: 'The acquisition of mafo.de... strengthens our position in the German market by adding its German panel, its customer interaction software solutions and dashboard technology, as well as strong customer relations, predominantly in the north of Germany. All of this complemented with a dedicated team with strong market research know-how'.
According to Dominik Ebbers, Client Director at mafo.de, joining the larger Group gives the company access to high-qualityt panels in many countries, and promises customers 'further investments both in the quality panel mafo.de and in further development of software solutions'.
Web site: www.norstatgroup.com .
