IAB Hires Stanbury for 'Future of Measurement' Review
Digital ad industry body IAB Australia has appointed former News Corp exec Natalie Stanbury as Research Director to work on a new initiative called the Future of Measurement, which aims to provide a full review of audience measurement across media and platforms.
Launching this month with extensive engagement with stakeholders and industry bodies, the programme is designed to enable IAB to deliver a plan encompassing measurement solutions; standards for ad measurement, delivery and verification; guidelines and best practices; and analysis of oversees audience measurement practices. It will also conduct a buy and sell side research survey. Findings from the market analysis will be presented at an industry meeting on 25th March, where other interested parties will have the chance to discuss the next steps, and a final report is expected in April.
The project will be led by IAB Australia CEO Gai Le Roy and Stanbury (pictured), who joins next Monday. Stanbury brings more than nineteen years' research experience to her new role, including five as Head of Research & Insights at Fairfax Media, and positions at ninemsn and Ticketek. She most recently served as Research Director at News Corp Australia. In her new position, she will also help run both the Measurement Council and Ad Effectiveness Council.
Commenting on the launch, Le Roy said: 'Natalie will be working closely with Nielsen (including DCR), PwC and all our partners as well as assessing needs from all our members across the industry. While the IAB has been consistently leading the efforts to drive continual enhancements of our markets digital advertising measurement solutions, it's been five years since we conducted a complete review of the market requirements. We look forward to working with industry on this Future of Measurement project'.
Web site: www.iabaustralia.com.au .
