DRNO - Daily Research News
News Article no. 27849
Published April 10 2019




Australia's Social Research Centre Names New CEO

In Melbourne, Australia, full service social research and evaluation organisation the Social Research Centre has appointed Diane Herz as Chief Executive Officer. She will take up the position on 15 April when she replaces founder Darren Pennay, who is stepping down after nineteen years in the role.

Diane HerzOwned by the Australian National University (ANU), the Social Research Centre provides the Australian social science research community with survey research services and a full range of survey design, data management, analytical and qualitative skills. Services include access to more than 80 staff including researchers, statisticians, and analysts; a dedicated Qualitative Research Unit; a 126-station call centre; and a probability online panel called Life in Australia.

Herz (pictured) will join after more than a decade at US-based program evaluation and policy research firm Mathematica, where she had dual responsibilities as VP of the Human Services Division and as the company's Chief Diversity Officer, having previously been the VP, Director of Survey Research, Washington DC. Earlier, she spent 21 years in the US at the Bureau of Labor Statistics, where as Chief, Division of Labor Force Statistics, she led a team of economists and statisticians charged with developing surveys and analysing data related to the US labor market and collaborating with the US Census Bureau to field questions, analyse, and publish data on a wide range of subjects.

In her new role, Herz takes over from Pennay, who will work alongside her, while taking on an executive leadership role focusing on research strategy, survey methodology and business development. In a statement, the company said: 'We are very excited about the perspective and leadership Diane will bring to the Social Research Centre. She is the ideal person to continue the company's mission which is to contribute to informed decision-making and lead to a better understanding of Australian society and our place in the world.'

Web site: www.srcentre.com.au .


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