DRNO - Daily Research News
News Article no. 3021
Published March 26 2004




Hope for MORI Scotland

MORI Scotland, already boosted in January by the launch of an expanded specialist CATI telephone centre in Leith, has announced the appointment of Steven Hope, formerly UK Head of Social Research at NFO World Group / System Three.

Over the last seven years, MORI's Edinburgh billings have grown from £150,000 to more than £2 million. The Leith centre houses over 80 CATI stations - Scotland's largest telephone research centre.

MORI Scotland MD Simon Braunholtz has worked closely with Hope for several years on collaborative research studies, and says 'The combination of MORI's leading edge work on public services and Steven's technical research skills and knowledge of the Scottish scene will bring great benefits to our clients and my colleagues here in Edinburgh'.


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