Numerator to Expand Household Panel to One Million
US-based consumer insight specialist Numerator has announced a multi-year investment to expand its household measurement panel to more than a million members.
Chicago-based Numerator was formed in 2018 when Market Track combined its own brand and that of its subsidiary InfoScout under a single new name. In addition to the expansion of its household measurement panel, the firm is doubling its household insights panel to more than 200,000 members, beginning mid-summer.
In addition, Numerator says new technology and platform capabilities will shorten the time between consumer purchasing behavior and its availability in published data; and it has also launched detailed data capture for emerging consumer buying (such as delivery services). According to the firm, this provides market share data based on people who buy products rather than by stores that sell them, enabling the measurement of changes in market share to align with target audience behavior. All the new data sets are proprietary.
CEO Eric Belcher (pictured) comments: 'Market research has been surprisingly slow to evolve and many of the tools in use today were designed decades ago with only minor adaptations to address a radically changing marketplace. We recognized that the industry was primed for new leadership and made the step-up in investment to accelerate next generation data capture and product design. We're releasing major new products over the year, with the first coming later this month'.
Web site: www.numerator.com .
