DRNO - Daily Research News
News Article no. 33524
Published July 4 2022




Quantcast Launches Brand Measurement Suite

In the US, audience measurement and digital advertising firm Quantcast has launched a suite of brand measurement and optimization solutions to help digital marketers plan, activate and measure video, native and display brand campaigns across the web and on connected TV (CTV).

Konrad FeldmanHeadquartered in San Francisco, Quantcast models live first-party data drawn from more than 100 million online destinations, to help publishers better understand their audiences. In March, the firm launched an insight and ad optimisation platform, to help publisher and advertiser clients compete more evenly with the Internet's 'walled gardens'.

At the heart of the new product suite is Brand Lift Live, a real-time survey solution allowing marketers to optimize campaigns continuously against brand awareness and consideration metrics, rather than limiting substitute metrics such as viewability and click-through rate (CTR). The tool uses statistically controlled survey groups to measure the real-time impact of ads during a campaign, and users can view lift data in real time to take action on campaigns in flight, including adjustments to frequency, creative, messaging and audience.

Konrad Feldman (pictured), co-founder and CEO, comments: 'As programmatic brand advertising has grown so has the complexity for marketers. Siloed systems and data detract from marketing intent, limit marketing innovation and lack real-time, actionable feedback. We're excited to introduce our streamlined take on integrated brand advertising, with automated optimization and timely measurement of impact'.

Web site: www.quantcast.com .


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