News Corp Opens Insights Arm The Growth D_Stillery
Media conglomerate News Corp Australia has launched a research and intelligence service called The Growth D_Stillery, offering consumer insights to help marketers meet brand challenges, anticipate consumer trends and understand where best to invest.
The group has been developing a research intelligence and advisory services capability through its Growth Intelligence Centre over the past two years. The new Growth D_Stillery will publish relevant insights on trade marketing platforms and on News Corp Australia channels - including a downloadable report; and 'vodcasts' hosted by Dan Krigstein (pictured), the Centre's Director, alongside industry execs such as Rikki Pearce, MD of Verve Australia.
Krigstein says the new offering partners with the 'best and brightest' researchers from across the globe, while also plugging into News Corp Australia's proprietary data sets. The service kicks off with the launch of a report called Essentials D_Stilled, which examines how Australians are spending, and the emotional triggers that will drive spend in 2023.
Krigstein says the service will roll out commercial thought leadership content that taps into key insights and research. He adds: 'We will reveal the mind and mood of consumers and how they're spending their money right now, and also showcase strategies for brands and marketers to harness this information to grow their business'.
Web sites: www.newscorpaustralia.com and www.thegrowthdistillery.com.au .